Hello everyone ,

There is so much grinding poverty in the world ,how could just one of us possibly make a difference? .The reason it seems so impossible is that we tend to focus on the immense number of people suffering from poverty and on how little we can do individually. So we give up trying.But there are two points to remember when we think about global problems:

  • Every action counts
  • We are not alone.
Taking action is like planting a seed,of course the big picture is important if you are part of an organization. But I find that looking at the big picture just gets me down and stops me from actually doing something about a global problem such as world hunger.Firstly we can start by saving and only eat when we hungry ,ask other friend to join this campaign the money that were save can be used to donate to those who needed.Every action is counts and can contributed to ease the world hunger .

Below are  factor that contributed to world hunger :

  • Poverty is the principal cause of hunger
  • Harmful economic systems are the principal cause of poverty and hunger.
  • Conflict as a cause of hunger and poverty.
  • Climate change 

Assalamualaikum and hopefully everyone can smile ,

As human, we need food. We can’t do without it. It’s one of our basic needs. As my high school biology teacher often emphasized, a typical human being needs food more than anything else, except of course oxygen, water and television. My memory of such important facts continues to amaze me. This definition maybe different for different prospective. While we eat more than we need , more than one billion people , approximately 1/6 of the world's population are hungry. And every day nearly 16,000 children die from hunger and related causes. 

World's hunger victim

We have the resources to feed the world. We just need the will.All parties must participate to contributed continues , support  via donation of human needs.This support also can been done by collecting fund to provides ready-to-use therapeutic food for a malnourished refugee child, therapeutic feeding kits, and each one helps feed five children. 
This includes survival kits and each has a blanket, mattress, kitchen set, stove and soap. For protection ,  all-weather tent to shelter a refugee family . nutrition survey kit, includes weighing scales (x5), height measuring board, haemocue machine and accessories (microcuvettes, lancet, etc.), and mid upper arm circumference tape.
Lastly , we all must  be grateful and always remember , the tragic incident that happen in Somalia   can also happen to us and always appreciate what we all have .We want to share this small wish with everyone .

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