Hello everyone

This morning I woke up and start thinking about the purpose and our main objective of study, and circle in my head one question, "do you think you can achieve  Dean's list for this semester ?".Well for me this question have different answer for everyone and for me, I have different answer before start the semester and while in the middle of the semester.For me ,everyone can be Dean's list.Grade only show how hard and consistent someone have try their best.

Friend, do you think success require luck? For me, success is 98% perspiration and 2% luck. It is more like opportunity meets preparation. If you never put in effort, how is it possible that success will come to you.Take Michael Jordan for example, do you think he is gifted with the talent to play excellent basketball?.Not at all. He became gifted in basketball because he poured in tons and tons of effort to train himself to be the greatest in it.
Well back to our question,"do you think you can achieve  Dean's list for this semester ?".As for me,my confident  level has drop from 95 percent to 80 percent after finished my first test for this semester.I think I can predict my result for this test .I am not doing my best,  study last minutes and at the top of it ,I'm not finished study for the test.I enter the examination  hall with empty mind and pray that god was on my side without trying  hard enough . But, let not give up , this is only the first test , I still have  chance and opportunities , this is only the beginning and after this I am going to do my best and always stay positive.

That’s the way it works. This is how you can achieve your goals, make your dreams come true : )


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